Friday, January 06, 2006

Jan- Feb '06 Events Calendar


1/3 Committee Meeting 6:30pm Conway Library

1/5 Webelos Meeting 6:30pm North Conway Congo Church

1/7 Position Specific trainingRochester

1/10 Roundtable 7:45pm Whitefield This is for re-chartering, it will be VERY short (about 10-15 mins)

1/12 Webelos Meeting 6:30pm North Conway Congo Church

1/13 Portland Pirates game 7pm Portland Civic Ctr

1/19 Webelos Meeting 6:30pm North Conway Congo Church

1/26 Pack meeting 6:30pm Pine Tree; sign-up for Pot Luck dinner for Blue and Gold; ALL DENS SHOULD BE PREPARED TO DO A SKIT


2/2 Webelos Meeting 6:30pm North Conway Congo Church

2/4 GND Klondike all day event Berlin

2/7 Committee Meeting 6:30pm Conway Library

2/9 Webelos Meeting 6:30pm N.Conway Congregational Church

2/11 Pinewood Derby 9am-12:00 @ Pine Tree

2/14 Roundtable 7pm Whitefield; Position Specific Training Need to let Andy know if you're planning to attend... this is the RT to go to!

2/16 Blue & Gold 6-8:00pm @ Pine Tree; cross-over, Pot Luck, Scouts to bring cakes for contest