Friday, December 30, 2005

We are looking forward to a GREAT new year in Scouting!

"SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEAR!"... (there, I said it)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Pack Calendar

  • 12/13 Roundtable in Whitefield 7:00pm… New Leader Essentials
  • 12/19 Caroling @ Sunbridge 6:30 pm… each Scout is bringing an ornament for the tree
  • 12/22 Pack Meeting @ Pine Tree 6:30pm… making ‘ginger bread’ houses… confirm and pay ($8) for Pirates tickets; Re-chartering time $22/ Scout
  • 1/3 Committee Meeting 6:30pm Conway Library
  • 1/7 Position Specific training… Rochester
  • 1/10 Roundtable in Whitefield
  • 1/13 Portland Pirates game
  • 1/26 Pack meeting; sign-up for Pot Luck dinner for Blue and Gold
  • 2/4 GND Klondike
    2/7 Committee Meeting 6:30pm Conway Library
  • 2/14 Roundtable in Whitefield; Position Specific Training
  • 2/11 Pinewood Derby 9am-12:00 @ Pine Tree
  • 2/16 Blue & Gold 6-8:00 @ Pine Tree; cross-over, Pot Luck, Scouts to bring cakes for contest

Webelos December Newsletter

Do you know who this man is? Make sure you ask your leader at your next Den meeting.

We’re all doing great… it has been a VERY busy month. We have almost doubled the number of Scouts in our Patrol. We completed or Scientist badge, worked on knots, made ornaments for ourselves and the tree at Sunbridge. We had a blast with the Troop for a pool and pizza party… Ethan Hill is the reining pizza champ! We had a great turn out for the caroling at Sunbridge. We are on the road to the… ARROW of LIGHT!

Please keep your eye on the calendar!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Attn; All Pack 150 Scouts

Please remember registration is due; all Scouts $22.00, please get this to your leader. Place payment in an envelope with your name on it. If you are handing in cash, please help us all out by sending in the correct change.
Additionally, if you ordered a Patch Vest $17.00 is due ($22.00 for the adult version). This can go in the same envelope. Again correct change is very much appreciated.



Thursday, December 15, 2005

Birth of Scouts in America

"The only problem with the Boy Scouts is there aren't enough of them."
—Will Rogers

In 1909, American businessman W. D. Boyce became lost in a dense London fog. As he was trying to find his way, he was approached by a boy carrying a lantern, who offered to take Boyce to the address he was looking for. When they arrived at the destination, Boyce offered the boy a tip. The boy refused, saying, "No, sir, I am a Scout. Scouts do not accept tips for courtesies or Good Turns."
Boyce was so impressed with the lad and the Scouting concept he brought the idea back to the United States. On February 8, 1910, Boyce filed incorporation papers for the Boy Scouts of America in the District of Columbia.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Something to think about...


Notes from 12/13/05 Round Table

Pack 150 Attendance;

Mary Hill- Cub Master/ Bear Leader
Andy Chalmers- Pack Trainer/ Webelos Leader

Great turnout for the New Leaders Essentials training, it was reported that the room was ‘packed.’ It was disappointing that we had no representation from Pack 150.

So many of the Cub leaders were in training that Mary and I had essentially a private Cub portion of the Roundtable. We covered the program theme for the months of January and February. We made ‘musical’ instruments and, yes, I ‘sang’, with Mary Hill, Brian Miller and Bob St John to drown me out… it really wasn’t that bad, right guys???… Not a proud moment, but, I’ll do anything for Scouts. We covered; Blue and Gold program helps, Pine Wood Derby rules / regulations and had time to go over guidelines for age/ program appropriate trips.
Hey, let’s make sure everyone knows who Lord Baden- Powell is (any questions ask Mary).

During the joint portion of the meeting we went over popcorn figures; GND had over $87,000 in popcorn sales… AWESOME! The District Pine Wood Derby has been pushed back to April 1st. The District Awards banquet is to be held on the 1st as well. We’re all set for re-chartering.

It was actually a short (we were home just after 10), well run, productive meeting.

Webelos don't forget!

Thursdays meeting has been re-scheduled for Sunday, 12/18, 5:00pm at the Grand Summit pool... don't forget your suits!!!
This is mandatory for all Scouts that qualify to receive the Arrow of Light award... don't miss out!

Christmas riddles

Merry Christmas!
Q: How do snowmen travel with their girlfriends?
A: On an 'Icicle built for 2'!
Q: What does Father Christmas suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney?
A: Santa Claus-trophobia!
Q: How do you know if there's a snowman in your bed?
A: You wake up wet!
Q: What do you call a letter sent up the chimney on Christmas Eve?
A: Black mail!
Q: What do you get if you cross a snowman with a shark?
A: Frost-bite!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Monday, December 12, 2005

Pack Calendar

1/3 Commitee Meeting 6:30pm Conway Liberary
1/5 Webelos Meeting
1/7 Position Specific training… Rochester
1/10 Roundtable in
1/12 Webelos Meeting
1/13 Portland Pirates game
1/18 Webelos Meeting
1/26 Pack meeting; sign-up for Pot Luck dinner for Blue and Gold
2/2 Webelos Mtg
2/4 GND Klondike
2/7 Commitee Mtg
2/9 Webelos Mtg
2/11 Pinewood Derby 9am-12:00 @ Pine Tree
2/16 Blue & Gold 6-8:00 @ Pine Tree; cross over, Pot Luck, Scouts to bring cakes for contest

Friday, December 09, 2005

Pine Tree Bears

Hello Bears.............

$22.00 in dues are due this month, please have a check made out to Pack 150 at our next Den meeting......Thanks

1. I Need # of parent/scouts that will go to the Cub Scout Camp-in at the Boston Museum of Science. ASAP
What its all about:
A Camp-In at the Museum of Science is a special program that inspires children to discover science in an entertaining, educational, and interactive way. Cub/Webelos Scouts now can join in the fun of an overnight experience at the Boston Museum of Science. You will be able to sleep in the Museum’s Exhibit Halls and participate in activities in the evening after the Museum closes and again the next morning. This is one of the most popular overnight camps for Cub/Webelos Scouts in New England.

A typical Camp-In includes a variety of hands-on science activities, science demonstrations, an Omni Theater show, late night activity, and time to explore the Museum. Camp-In instructors facilitate fun, hands-on science activities that enhance Museum exhibits.

Camp-In Patches will be distributed to all participants of the program. Patches allow children free admission to the Museum Exhibit Halls through December 31st, 2006

Looking at Sat. April 22 2006 date. I need names of Scout and parent ASAP! The available dates are going fast.

The Pack is going to pay for both the adult and scout!!!

Webelos December Calendar '05

Thursday 12/1
Meeting; N. Conway Congo Church 6:30 pm
Scientist badge
Thursday 12/8
Meeting; N. Conway Congo Church 6:30 pm
Christmas ornaments
Sunday 12/18
Meeting; Attitash Grand Summit 5:00 pm
Pool and Pizza Party w/ the Troop
*This is a mandatory meeting for those receiving the Arrow of Light award
Monday 12/19
Pack Event; Sunbridge 6:30 pm
Caroling, don’t forget to bring your ornament for the tree
Thursday 12/22
Pack Meeting; Pine Tree 6:30 pm
Building ‘gingerbread’ houses… bring your sweet tooth
*don't forget $22 for registration (if this is a hardship let your leader know)
*Portland Pirates tickets are $8 per person (Scout is free if they sold over $100 in popcorn)

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Da Bears @ 2005 Veterans Day

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Getting ready for the Veterans Day Parade

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Webelos campout Posted by Picasa

Popcorn is in

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Getting ready for the Conway Village Holiday Parade

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Pretty much says it all!

Commitee Meeting Minutes 12/6/05

Meeting minutes;
6:30-8:30pm in the periodical room in the Conway Library

Meeting attended by;
Andy Chalmers-Pack Trainer/ Webelos Leader
James Druin-Tiger Den Leader
Mike Foss-Wolf Den Leader
Mary Hill-Cub Master
Jeff Montgomery-Wolf Den Leader
Larry Nash-Bear Den Leader
Laura Nash-Secretary/ Treasurer
Bud Selmi-Assistant CM/ Committee Chairman

*please note this is the best attendance we’ve had all year!

Up coming Pack events;

12/13 Roundtable in Whitefield; New Leader Essentials
12/19 Caroling @ Sunbridge? To be confirmed… each Scout is bringing an ornament for the tree
12/22 Pack Meeting @ Pine Tree… making ‘ginger bread’ houses… confirm and pay for Pirates tickets
1/7 Position Specific training… Rochester
1/13 Portland Pirates game
1/26 Pack meeting; sign-up for Pot Luck dinner for Blue and Gold
2/4 GND Klondike
2/11 Pinewood Derby 9-12:00 @ Pine Tree
2/16 Blue & Gold 6-8:00 @ Pine Tree; cross over, Pot Luck, Scouts to bring cakes for contest

Larry Nash has his plate FULL

Larry accepted the nomination for Assistant Cub Master (we were able to talk him out of filling the Committee Chair position as well). Both of these positions are currently filled by Bud Selmi who is looking forward to some R&R when he crosses over to Boy Scouts in February.
Larry is currently working on resolving some minor issues with our Chartered Organization… namely educating them as to what a Chartered Organization is/ does…GOOD LUCK, Larry!
Larry is working on our Class-B tee shirts so that we’ll have them prior to the Webelos crossing over in February… I’m sure he’d appreciate any help or input on them.
Larry is organizing this years trip to the Boston Museum of Science for a Camp-in; in the past we had reserved this a as Webelos trip, but, this year it has been decided to include the whole Pack. Over 200 Scouts in the Museum for the night, it’s a BLAST! He is thinking of taking the train into Boston… you’ll all be able to sleep on the way home… contact Larry for the times, dates and more info.
Larry will be contacting everyone in the Pack re; Bailey’s Bears. He is hoping to have every Cub Scout bring a new stuffed bear to the December Pack Meeting. He’ll attach a Pack 150 ‘dog tag’ and the bears will go to the Bailey’s Bears fund to be distributed to children w/ life threatening illnesses.
Larry will also be visiting every Den by the 1st week of January to go over Pine Wood Derby rules, regulations and construction. Please make sure you set a date with him… this is a meeting that ALL of your parents are going to want to be at.

In the non-Larry corner…
Mike Foss has graciously accepted the nomination to be the new Committee Chairman. Mike has jumped right into the Scouting fold with both feet. He has recently completed NLE and Position specific training and I’m sure he’ll be a real asset.

Mary Hill, our illustrious Cub Master, is feverously getting ready for re-chartering. We need to make sure that all dues are collected and turned in by our December Pack Meeting… if there are any Scouts that are no longer participating in the program Mary needs to know that now. If there are any hardships with coming up with the registration fee the Pack can help… Mary just needs to know.
Mary is also placing the ‘patch’ vest order… make sure you contact her… NOW… if you want a vest. Please make sure your Scouts/ Parents have paid for these beauties. Scouts $17, Adults $22… these are Chuck Roast vests… a real bargain.
Mary will also be confirming attendance for the Portland Pirates game, payment will be due at Decembers Pack Meeting; $8 per person… Scout ticket is free if your Scout sold $100 worth of popcorn.

More Nash ramblings
Larry’s wife, Laura, will be filling the Secretary/ Treasurer position for the Pack. Please make sure everyone gives her a warm welcome. This is the first husband and wife team our Pack has seen since Carl and Tuesday Kempf. This is definitely a way to avoid the ‘Scouting widow syndrome’. We all wish them luck and are grateful for them stepping up to the plate.

Hope to see you all at the next meeting.
Happy Holidays!