Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I don't think we could have seen a more exciting game.

We were off to a rough start... tickets showing up late, a major automobile accident tying up traffic, followed by a detour around a structure fire... but, we finally made it!

I am very proud of the boys that wore their uniforms to the game. It is important to show everyone that the brotherhood of Scouting is alive and well. The Scouting movement couldn't have been represented by a better group of boys!

While the Pirates ended up loosing (only after a period of overtime, followed by a 'shoot-out') I think a great time was had by all.

I don't think I'll be forgiven anytime soon for not catching that errant puck. It was one of those moments... I was reaching out for the puck and I could see the headlines of the 'Conway Daily Sun'... CUB SCOUT LEADER CRUSHES 3 ROWS OF HOCKEY FANS... usually you don't get a 2nd chance to re-think these things... I'm glad I sat back down!

I'm making sure I stick jumper cables into the trunk of the car for our next outing... we want to 'be prepared'... right Bud?

See you all at the next Den/ Pack meeting,