Thursday, December 08, 2005

Commitee Meeting Minutes 12/6/05

Meeting minutes;
6:30-8:30pm in the periodical room in the Conway Library

Meeting attended by;
Andy Chalmers-Pack Trainer/ Webelos Leader
James Druin-Tiger Den Leader
Mike Foss-Wolf Den Leader
Mary Hill-Cub Master
Jeff Montgomery-Wolf Den Leader
Larry Nash-Bear Den Leader
Laura Nash-Secretary/ Treasurer
Bud Selmi-Assistant CM/ Committee Chairman

*please note this is the best attendance we’ve had all year!

Up coming Pack events;

12/13 Roundtable in Whitefield; New Leader Essentials
12/19 Caroling @ Sunbridge? To be confirmed… each Scout is bringing an ornament for the tree
12/22 Pack Meeting @ Pine Tree… making ‘ginger bread’ houses… confirm and pay for Pirates tickets
1/7 Position Specific training… Rochester
1/13 Portland Pirates game
1/26 Pack meeting; sign-up for Pot Luck dinner for Blue and Gold
2/4 GND Klondike
2/11 Pinewood Derby 9-12:00 @ Pine Tree
2/16 Blue & Gold 6-8:00 @ Pine Tree; cross over, Pot Luck, Scouts to bring cakes for contest

Larry Nash has his plate FULL

Larry accepted the nomination for Assistant Cub Master (we were able to talk him out of filling the Committee Chair position as well). Both of these positions are currently filled by Bud Selmi who is looking forward to some R&R when he crosses over to Boy Scouts in February.
Larry is currently working on resolving some minor issues with our Chartered Organization… namely educating them as to what a Chartered Organization is/ does…GOOD LUCK, Larry!
Larry is working on our Class-B tee shirts so that we’ll have them prior to the Webelos crossing over in February… I’m sure he’d appreciate any help or input on them.
Larry is organizing this years trip to the Boston Museum of Science for a Camp-in; in the past we had reserved this a as Webelos trip, but, this year it has been decided to include the whole Pack. Over 200 Scouts in the Museum for the night, it’s a BLAST! He is thinking of taking the train into Boston… you’ll all be able to sleep on the way home… contact Larry for the times, dates and more info.
Larry will be contacting everyone in the Pack re; Bailey’s Bears. He is hoping to have every Cub Scout bring a new stuffed bear to the December Pack Meeting. He’ll attach a Pack 150 ‘dog tag’ and the bears will go to the Bailey’s Bears fund to be distributed to children w/ life threatening illnesses.
Larry will also be visiting every Den by the 1st week of January to go over Pine Wood Derby rules, regulations and construction. Please make sure you set a date with him… this is a meeting that ALL of your parents are going to want to be at.

In the non-Larry corner…
Mike Foss has graciously accepted the nomination to be the new Committee Chairman. Mike has jumped right into the Scouting fold with both feet. He has recently completed NLE and Position specific training and I’m sure he’ll be a real asset.

Mary Hill, our illustrious Cub Master, is feverously getting ready for re-chartering. We need to make sure that all dues are collected and turned in by our December Pack Meeting… if there are any Scouts that are no longer participating in the program Mary needs to know that now. If there are any hardships with coming up with the registration fee the Pack can help… Mary just needs to know.
Mary is also placing the ‘patch’ vest order… make sure you contact her… NOW… if you want a vest. Please make sure your Scouts/ Parents have paid for these beauties. Scouts $17, Adults $22… these are Chuck Roast vests… a real bargain.
Mary will also be confirming attendance for the Portland Pirates game, payment will be due at Decembers Pack Meeting; $8 per person… Scout ticket is free if your Scout sold $100 worth of popcorn.

More Nash ramblings
Larry’s wife, Laura, will be filling the Secretary/ Treasurer position for the Pack. Please make sure everyone gives her a warm welcome. This is the first husband and wife team our Pack has seen since Carl and Tuesday Kempf. This is definitely a way to avoid the ‘Scouting widow syndrome’. We all wish them luck and are grateful for them stepping up to the plate.

Hope to see you all at the next meeting.
Happy Holidays!

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