Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Reminder about Thursdays (2-15-07) meeting


Thursdays meeting will be at the Pine Tree School... same time, 7pm.
We will be joining both Conway and Madison for their Cross-over ceremony.
Be in full uniform and on your best Scouting behavior.

Thursday's meeting is the LAST time to sign-up and pay for the March 3rd hockey game. If you are not on the sign-up sheet by the end of the meeting you will NOT be going. If you haven't yet signed up and know you can't make Thursdays meeting please make sure you contact Mr. Dewar. All Scouts must have paid their $10 to Mr. Dewar by Thursday night.

There will be no meeting during school vacation week... keep your eye on the web site... with the new snow we may have some impromptu snowshoeing outings.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night.
Mr. C