Friday, May 26, 2006

1st Scout Master's Minute, presented at COH 5/26/06

Why am I involved in Scouting? It’s because of all of you.

You Scouts are the greatest, the best, hope for America... for the world.

You believe in honor,

…in a world where honor has lost much of its meaning.

You believe in doing your duty to God and your Country,

…in a country where school prayer has been outlawed… and many Americans don't bother to vote.

You believe in the the Scout Law,

…with 12 very demanding and specific points… you commit to ALL of them

You believe in helping other people at all times,

... You do this in a world where, liability is so feared, that when someone cries out for help… many people literally run the other way.

You believe in keeping yourself physically strong,

… You do this in a world where obesity is common place

You believe in staying mentally awake,

…in a country where drug use and drinking is not uncommon amongst your peers

And, you believe in keeping yourselves morally straight,

…you do this in a country where some of our own leaders don't even know the meaning of the term.

You ARE, the greatest, the best, hope for America … for the world are the Future!

… YOU are the reason I’m involved in Scouting…