Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Committee Meeting Minutes 1-3-06

Location; Conway Library
Time; 6:30pm to 8:15pm

Attended by;
Andy Chalmers- PT, WL
James Drouin- TL
Mike Foss- DL
Mary Hill- CM, DL
Bud Selmi- CC
Laura Nash- treasurer

Ran thru Den meeting news and the old 'dogs' fielded questions from the new leaders.

Updated Den rosters to make sure we are all set for rechartering on next Tuesday.

Laura gave us an update on Larry's exploits;
-he is still pursuing Bailey's Bears
-he is also working diligently on a Class B Scout t-shirt, the plan is to pull the trigger on this at the next Committee Meeting
-he is also making the rounds to the Den's w/ Pinewood Derby cars and instructions... new Den Leaders if you haven't heard from him make sure you make an appointment

Mary handed out the new patch vests; please see your den leader for them (make sure you pay the $17)

Laura, our new treasurer, brought us up to date on the Pack finances...
Please get your payments into your Den Leader THIS WEEK, place it in an envelope with the Scouts name on it, state what you are paying for... seal it and give it to your Den Leader.

$22/ registration Hockey tickets $8/ person Patch vest $17

We discussed fundraising and the calendar for the coming year. This discussion will be picked-up at the February Committee Meeting.
Please make every effort to make it to these meetings... it is the only way you'll have a voice in what is going on in the Pack. We meet the same time and place every month. The 1st Tuesday of the month, 6:30pm at the Conway library.

Pack Calendar

1/10/06 Roundtable; Rechartering, this does not have to be attended by everyone this tends to be the shortest Roundtable of the year... Don't miss next month... Position Specific Training

1/13/06 Portland Pirates Hockey Game 7pm

1/26/06 Pack Meeting, 6:30pm at Pine Tree School
please have your Den prepared to do a skit... the theme this month is music.

Hope to see you all at the hockey game!

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