Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Troop 150 takes 2nd place at the District's Fall Camporee!

Great work guys. I saw a lot of encouraging things during this Camporee. You guys are really beginning to work well together. The 'Trick out my Scout' was a great NEW skit.

A special thanks to the Dads that ran stations for the boys... it wouldn't have happened without you!
Thanks to Mr. Steesy... you, your truck and your dedication to the Troop is greatly appreciated.

Again a GIANT THANK YOU to all of the guys that gave up their weekend to come share it with us at the Camporee.

Hope to see you all at Thursdays meeting.


Monday, October 02, 2006

The Scout Outdoor Essentials

The Scout Outdoor Essentials

This is the minimum list that I would expect all Scouts to carry, to this I would add;
  • pen and paper
  • a LNT toilet kit